About Us

At Skyline Dental, our approach to dentistry has allowed us to provide high-quality treatment to serve families in a friendly environment. Our skilled and reliable team is committed to serving you and accomodating your family’s dentistry needs with the highest level of care. We strive to continuously improve and keep informed of the changes in modern dentistry to ensure you get the best possible treatment. We’re here to help you understand how to maintain a healthy mouth with preventive techniques so you can live each day with a confident, white and beautiful smile.

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General Dentistry

Our highly trained certified hygienists will help you maintain your teeth and gums. Each patient is given a maintenance program to support this.

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste is recommended at least twice a day to remove plaque and the remnants of food and drink from our teeth and gums. Flossing once a day is an essential practice to avoid gum disease and preventing tooth decay. An...

oral rinse also helps promote good oral hygiene as it will reduce oral discomfort, provide moisture to oral tissues and help with bad breath. More therapeutic oral rinses can be anti-plaque, anti-cavity, anti-tarter, and anti-bacterial and are all good at preventing oral health problems. Ask your dentist what he/she recommends for you.

Practicing the above oral hygiene habits are great ways to maintain proper oral health however good habits alone will not remove all the plaque that builds up over time. This is why it is necessary to see your dentist and dental hygienist regularly to remove the plaque to lower your risk of toothaches, cavities, periodontal disease or even the loss of all your teeth. By removing plaque you reduce your chances of needing root canals, tooth extractions, dental bridges, crowns and more. Your dentist and dental hygienist will ensure that you will receive the necessary treatment to maintain good oral health of your teeth, mouth and gums and keep you smiling.

Need dental work but dislike having your mouth numb for hours afterward? Dental work - including fillings, crowns and root canals - require a local anesthetic that may also numb your lips, cheeks and tongue. The numbness can last two or more...

hours after the procedure. When your mouth and lips are numb, it can be difficult to smile, talk or drink.

Phentolamine mesylate (OraVerse) speeds up the return of normal sensation following dental work. Studies show that phentolamine mesylate - given as an injection after dental work is finished - returns normal sensations in the lips, cheeks and tongue faster than without the drug, usually in about an hour.

If a dental procedure produces soft tissue or bone pain and a local anesthetic provides prolonged comfort after the procedure, the use of phentolamine mesylate may not be recommended.

How phentolamine mesylate works isn’t fully understood, but it’s thought to increase blood flow to the soft tissue area. Phentolamine mesylate only works if the original anesthetic contains a medication that narrows your blood vessels (vasonconstrictor), such as epinephrine.

Phentolamine mesylate belongs to a class of drugs that can cause low blood pressure, rapid heartbeats and irregular heart rhythms. Though such events are uncommon in the reports of phentolamine mesylate use, tell your dentist if you have a history of heart or blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease.

Phentolamine mesylate is not recommended for children under 6 years of age or for children who weigh less than 33 pounds (15 kilograms). The use of phetolamine mesylate requires an additional fee and isn’t covered by dental insurance.

- Amalgam fillings, also known as silver fillings

- Composite fillings, also known as white fillings

A root canal is the anatomic space within the root of a tooth. Part of a naturally occurring space within a tooth, it consists of the pulp chamber (within the coronal part of the tooth), the main canal(s), and more intricate anatomical branches...

that may connect the root canals to each other or to the surface of the root.(pulled from wiki)

Most root canals can be done in the office by the dentist. There are many situations where a referral to an endodontist is required. An endodontist is a certified specialist.

Oral Surgery and Extractions

Clear aligners - Series of clear trays designed to move your teeth to a more ideal position. There are some limitations to movement that clear aligners are not suitable for.

Traditional Braces - for...

teeth that require more movement, traditional braces are required. Some patients will be referred to a certified orthodontist.

Fissure sealants are a safe and painless way of protecting your children’s teeth from tooth decay. It is a plastic coating which covers the chewing surfaces of the back adult teeth. The sealant forms a hard shield that keeps food and...

bacteria from getting into the tiny grooves in the teeth. Most tooth decay in children occurs in the back teeth. Most often recommended once the 6 and 12 year molars erupt into the oral cavity.

We attempt to treat all of our patients for their emergency needs during office hours. This may involve just a prescription for antibiotics, or it may require an actual procedure to be preformed. Should the office be closed, we are proud to...

belong to the on call dental emergency support services that can be reached at 250.563.2470. We all know that emergencies happen, and we want to be there for you.

Many people have a true fear of dentistry. Enough fear exists that it prevents many people from coming to the office to have dental needs addressed.


1) Oral sedation This technique...

most commonly uses Triazolam or Ativan as the sedative. Many people know it as the “happy pill”. It is administered approximately 40-60 minutes before the beginning of your appointment. It is a conscious form of sedation; therefore you are able to respond to questions, but you may not remember the appointment. It is very important to remember that you are sedated while on the medication, therefore, someone must be with you at all times, and you will not be able to drive or work for the rest of the day.

2) Nitrous Oxide This is commonly known as laughing gas. Patients breath in through their nose for a quick uptake of this mixture. Patients report feeling very calm and relaxed. The benefit of this technique is that once the procedure is done, all patients are “normal” and are able to go back to work or school with no side effects.

Sleep apnea is a medical condition in which you stop breathing while you are asleep. Once a diagnosis of sleep apnea is made, quite often, a CPAP is recommended. But, what if you cant stand the CPAP or if you just want help with your snoring? A...

snore appliance can be made. Its an oral appliance that helps keep your lower jaw pulled forward and opens up your airway. By doing this, snoring is decreased or eliminated.

Complete upper and lower dentures - Partial dentures

Cosmetic Dentistry

OTC Bleaching

Over-the-counter whitening kits are the most economical and most convenient of the teeth whitening options. These include whitening toothpastes, gels, rinses, strips, and trays. This type of whitening is...

recommended for people who have no fillings and healthy teeth. These types of products are typically considered to be the least effective, brightening teeth just a few shades. These types of products cost anywhere from $20 to $100.

In Office

In office whitening offers the benefits of significant color change in the shortest period of time. This process involves the use of a high-concentration peroxide gel, applied to the teeth by your dentist who ensures that the gums and mouth are protected from application. The gel remains on the teeth for 15 to 20 minute intervals that add up to about an hour. The advantage with these procedures is that the results are immediate; however, they tend to be the most expensive, costing upwards of $500.

Take-home kits offer the convenience of at your leisure teeth whitening and provide professional results. The kits incorporate lower-concentrate peroxide gels that are applied in custom made trays and worn in the mouth over night or for a select time period during the day. These types of kits cost $100 to $400. These can only be provided by your dentist.

We offer Zoom bleaching as its proven to be the most effective in whitening of teeth.

A dental crown is a restorative dentistry treatment that is placed over a tooth to improve strength, shape or appearance. Dental crowns, also called “caps,” are also used as the final restoration for dental implants, serving as the...

replacement for the artificial tooth. Although there are several different materials that can be used for dental crowns, most cosmetic dentists recommend all-porcelain dental crowns because they provide the most naturallooking restorations as they closely resemble the color and texture of natural teeth.

Many different types of crowns. They can be made of gold, porcelain, or a combination of gold and porcelain. Your dentist can help choose the most ideal type of crown based on your esthetic needs, but more importantly, the function your tooth needs. We also offer CAD/CAM technology. Thru the use of a CEREC machine by Sirona, you can have a crown made in the same day. So, no more waiting 2 weeks.

When one or two teeth are missing, one option to replace the teeth is a bridge made of porcelain or gold. The tooth on either side of the empty space is prepared to accept the bridge. Impressions are taken to ensure the bridge fits...

perfectly.  You are sent home with a temporary bridge while your final bridge is custom made at a dental lab. When your final bridge is ready, the temporary bridge is removed and the final bridge is cemented in place.

Dental veneers are custom-made ultra-thin shells of tooth colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. They can remedy the look of teeth that are chipped, discolored, misaligned, uneven, worn down,...

or abnormally spaced. The result of a dental veneer treatment is teeth that are bright and beautifully aligned and look and feel completely natural.

A full mouth reconstruction is a restorative dentistry option for patients with complex dental needs. The process involves multiple restorative dentistry procedures to rebuild or restore all of the teeth in both the upper and lower jaws. Full...

mouth reconstruction may involve dental implants, TMJ therapy, crowns, bridgework, fillings, or other dental procedures. Patients who may feel anxiety sitting for this type of procedure should consider oral sedation for optimal comfort. Often times a full mouth restoration can be accomplished in as few as one or two dental visits. The process may involve qualified oral health professionals in multiple areas of restorative, cosmetic, and sedation therapy but allows you to quickly reclaim your smile.

Dentists : An excellent clinician choice for Botox®

  • When choosing a clinician to administer Botox®, dentists make an excellent choice because:
  • they have specialized university education and focus their careers on the anatomy of the head and neck
  • they understand the importance of reviewing medical history and preforming a complete exam,
  • they are highly trained and experienced in providing facial injections,
  • they work in a clinical setting,
  • they don’t delegate the treatment to a staff member or administrator
  • they understand the importance of asepsis and always use sterile instruments or ‘once only’ disposables
  • they have appropriate liability insurance,
  • they can numb areas of treatment
  • And can discuss and treat all aesthetic patient concerns regarding their teeth, smile and face.


Botox® is a quick, relatively painless, non-invasive treatment, that can help by relaxing the muscle and decreasing pain. There are a number of therapeutic and cosmetic uses of Botox® in dentistry. Specifically, it can be used to treat the following oral conditions:

  • TMD/TMJ (pain reduction)
  • Uneven lips/smile
  • Gummy smiles (reduction in gingival display)
  • Parafunctional habits (reduction in grinding)
  • Clenching, bruxing and grinding
  • Fine facial lines & wrinkles (reduce or improve the appearance of crows feet, forehead lines, and inbetween eyebrows)

There are no long-term negative side effects associated with Botox®, and typically, therapeutic results last 4-6 months, and cosmetic results last 3-4 months. The ability to successfully treat all aspects of a cosmetic case, from start to finish, is key to achieving ideal aesthetic results. Dentists need to look beyond simply treating teeth, and look at creating smiles that are in harmony with the entire face.

Dentists : An excellent clinician choice for Botox®

• When choosing a clinician to administer Botox®, dentists make an excellent choice because:

• they have specialized...

university education and focus their careers on the anatomy of the head and neck

• they understand the importance of reviewing medical history and preforming a complete exam,

• they are highly trained and experienced in providing facial injections,

• they work in a clinical setting,

• they don’t delegate the treatment to a staff member or administrator

• they understand the importance of asepsis and always use sterile instruments or ‘once only’ disposables

• they have appropriate liability insurance,

• they can numb areas of treatment

• And can discuss and treat all aesthetic patient concerns regarding their teeth, smile and face.


Botox® is a quick, relatively painless, non-invasive treatment, that can help by relaxing the muscle and decreasing pain. There are a number of therapeutic and cosmetic uses of Botox® in dentistry. Specifically, it can be used to treat the following oral conditions:

• TMD/TMJ (pain reduction)

• Uneven lips/smile

• Gummy smiles (reduction in gingival display)

• Parafunctional habits (reduction in grinding)

• Clenching, bruxing and grinding

• Fine facial lines & wrinkles (reduce or improve the appearance of crows feet, forehead lines, and inbetween eyebrows

There are no long-term negative side effects associated with Botox®, and typically, therapeutic results last 4-6 months, and cosmetic results last 3-4 months. The ability to successfully treat all aspects of a cosmetic case, from start to finish, is key to achieving ideal aesthetic results. Dentists need to look beyond simply treating teeth, and look at creating smiles that are in harmony with the entire face.

Cosmetic Dental Procedures & Insurance

Dental insurance is used to take care of some or all of the costs that are associated with your dental services. Because dental care and health care services can be costly, a dental insurance plan helps offset some of the costs associated with treatments or procedures making them easier to afford and helping you to save your money.

There are a lot of dental insurance plans and our office accepts almost all of them. It is extremely important for you to know your plan coverage and limitations. Our team will assist in the processing of your claims.

Cosmetic procedures are not usually covered by dental insurance plans because they are generally elected as opposed to required. There may be situations that arise that a treatment is commonly referred to as cosmetic can be billed as a...

restorative procedure. The best advise for patients seeking reimbursement for cosmetic dental procedures is to ask your dentist’s financing manager about costs and coverage prior to consenting and receiving treatments.

The treatment begins with the Sapphire Abrasion. Sapphire granules cover a unique abrasion tip, this crystal ans suction free system. It uses vibration to painlessly ablate the outermost layers of the skin. Revealing the healthier layers...

beneath and because this is a suction-free and non-thermal treatment, it can be used to treat a wide variety of skin conditions.

Clients experience not only a dry exfoliation but also a wet abrasion, resulting in immediate improvement in the skin’s texture, tone and appearance. Three different head sizes are available providing a range of grit sizes. Depth of the exfoliation is controlled by the level of pressure & grit size chosen.

Lymphatic drainage follows your Sapphire Abrasion. The lymphatic system has no pump and is dependent upon muscle contractions, stimulations, and deep breathing to drain properly. Our unique lymphatic drainage process speeds up the removal of toxins, metals, inorganic substances and other waste products in the skin while it detoxifies and regenerates new tissue and cells. Using the reverse side of the Sapphire tip, and changing from vibration to pendulum motion, the lymphatic system is massaged.

Concentrated Red Monochromatic Light Therapy follows. The 660nm wavelength of the red light simulates the production of the ATP, which is the major carrier of the energy to all cells, expediting the replacement of older or damaged cells. In addition, the stimulation of the fibroblasts in the connective tissue produce collagen which enhances the elasticity and firmness of the skin. The green light is 530nm ans assists clients with rosacea.

The final step if the Sapphire Photo Abrasion treatment is the 450nm blue light therapy. We have shown that blue light is excellent for lifting sagging skin, particularly around the eyes. In addition, blue light oxygenates the cells which greatly reduces the levels of acne causing bacteria leaving the skin glowing.

Additionally clients receive a gentle Micro current combined with the concentrated red light cold laser which simulates muscle toning.

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Skyline Dental Clinic
Skyline Dental Clinic
Skyline Dental Clinic
Skyline Dental Clinic
Skyline Dental Clinic
Skyline Dental Clinic

Our Dentists

Dr. Jose Lopez

Dr. Jose Lopez

Dr. Lopez is a graduate of the Ponce University in Puerto Rico. His passion for education brought him to Boston University, where he earned his DMD degree and an additional certificate in Advanced Education of General Dentistry. Dr. Lopez began his successful career in Prince George in 1998. His practice treats young and young at heart, with an emphasis on quality care and compassion. Dr. Lopez is a faculty member of the College of New Caledonia’s Dental Hygiene school, volunteers at the Emergency Dental Outreach Clinic and is proud to support the Dental needs of the Prince George Cougars Hockey team.

Dr. Mira Perkovic

Dr. Mira Perkovic

After receiving a BSc from UBC, Dr. Perkovic went on to earn a DMD degree from the prestigious Boston University. She has always called Prince George her home, so returning to Prince George in 1997 to build her practice and raise a family was an easy decision. Dr. Perkovic enjoys all aspect of dentistry and continually strives to learn advanced techniques that enhance her patients’ quality of care.

Contact Us

301 - 760 Kinsmen Place
Prince George, BC
V2M 0A8

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Monday - Saturday, 7am - 6pm

To arrange a consultation or book an appointment, call
